January 6, 2021

Caeley Taylor
3 min readJan 7, 2021

So I started my day on the right foot (sorta). I discovered this new revelation to think of your morning routine and daily commute as purposeful and cute as it would be in a movie, main character vibes. This outlook makes me more joyful for the day and open to new experiences, which helps me live my every day, somewhat average life to the fullest. The only thing that dampened that this morning was my coffee (which is completely heartbreaking as a type 3). I had a coupon for Dunkin to try their new supercharge coffee and dare I say, not their best creation. I understand why people would like this because it is super strong but that just isn’t what I look for in coffee, but at least now I know I don’t like it.

This new year has really pushed me to better myself and start loving who I am becoming as I am growing. I am turning 20 this year as with that comes a rude yet exciting awakening that these next few years are going to really shape me into who I wanna be and it’s going to be fun and scary and I may not be ready for it but I’m going to try my best. Already this year, I have learned sorta my place and to hold my tongue and chose kindness over drama or gossip. I want to dedicate my energy to good and positive things now and I am slowly finding little ways to accomplish that.

I wasn’t planning on writing today, but I enjoy the idea of this journal experience to be spontaneous and what happened late in the evening is what drove me to open my laptop. My best friend facetimed me and I knew something was wrong when she did. I am so grateful I can be an outlet for her that simply listens and advises to what goes on in her life, relationships like these need to be cherished. But what we talked about and what she ranted and cried about really made me think. Parents nowadays who are so hard on their kids have no idea what that does to us. It makes me so sad. One thing after another and not being open to hear your child out and trust them and be on their side and choosing to fight them and chase them away instead of caring for them and walking alongside them can really damage a kid who is only 17 years old. With school, the pandemic, work, friends, boyfriends, sports and so much more you have to understand the emotional and social stress they are already under. But parents choosing to lash out and put full blame on their child for minor inconveniences and adding to their stress isn’t helping at all. And not being decent enough to show some respect toward this almost adult and choosing to be physical with them and then blame their friends as well, but then show up to church on Sunday like everything you do is perfect is way beyond me (well there was my little rant).

Now to reflect on all that, I think the lesson learned here (for me at least) is to yet again chose kindness. And yeah I understand that is hypocritical after I just outted parents who are shitty toward their kids, but I could have sat there with my friend and bashed on her parents, but I listened and understood where she was coming from and gave her advice and was someone who she could ultimately lean on. Choose to be kind because you don’t know what people go through behind closed doors and after things add up it can really be a tipping point. Our generation is faced with so much messed up stuff nowadays and we have the power to change society and the future and I think once we all choose kindness, a lot of things will begin to change for the better. Let’s be better, for ourselves, others, and our future.

